Conservation Potential Assessment

Cowlitz PUD is required by law (I-937/EIA) to update its Conservation Potential Assessment (CPA) every two years and provide an energy efficiency/conservation analysis or assessment for a 10-year period. Energy Savings for a two-year period are taken from that 10-year estimate in this analysis to provide a target for the PUD.

The assessment or CPA tells us how much energy efficiency or conservation is available in our service territory. This analysis is performed using a lot of data including county building data, historical energy efficiency/conservation at the PUD, and other local, state, and regional data points.

Our CPA results inform the Board-adopted target for energy savings for a two-year period.

From here, the Energy Efficiency Services Department plans the effort to support customers and meet our legal obligations under this law.

Current CPA


Previous CPAs


State Auditor Reports